
Before Pictures

I had a very huge wake-up call after our last vacation.  I've always known that I was overweight, and that I really needed to change things.  But when I got home and started looking at our vacation pictures, I knew something had to go - that the FAT had to go.  I realized that on this vacation, I took more pictures of everyone and everything around me and I avoided myself.  I guess I was a little embarrassed of myself, and I didn't want to see pictures anymore.  So of the few pictures that were taken of me on vacation, I'm going to show the pictures that really got me motivated for good!

So, these pictures really started me on my weight loss journey.  I always pictured myself as being curvy and carrying my weight well, but was I wrong.  I now classify myself as "round" and that is not a shape used to describe a woman's body.  I don't want to lose my curves, and I don't think I ever will, but I've got curves in all the wrong places. 

My weight number really bothers me, and I'm extremely embarrassed by it.  However, I have to get over that embarrassment because I am now doing something about it.  Next week, the hubs and I are joining a "Transform Your Body Challenge" (TYBC) at a local gym.  Our friend, who is a personal trainer at said gym, organized this challenge a few months ago with great success.  The hubs and I thought this would be a great way to keep ourselves motivated during our weight loss journey.  So, we weigh in on Monday and take another set of before photos.  Our fitness reading is posted on the TYBC website for all participants, which I am very nervous about.  I mean it's a fitness challenge, I shouldn't be nervous, right?!?  But I've only just admitted my weight number to myself, and now I have to share it with 30 other people.  Maybe having them know will help me come to terms with that number, and help motivate me in ways I can't do myself. 

So, as the slacker that I am, I finally took BEFORE pictures last night before Zumba.  These are in my workout gear, so you get a nice view of the "problem areas"I hope they aren't problems for long!

Until next time, I leave you with a quote from Julius Erving: "If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who comes up on the short end."


  1. I am so proud of you for taking the steps to better health! I wish you and Dave great success on this journey. It's not an easy one, I know this all too well! But, I have all the faith in the world that you guys are gonna achieve all your goals! Love ya :)


  2. I did before pictures when I went on the South Beach diet when Millie was a year old. I loved going back and looking at them and the changes it made. I also had a partner for weight loss like you have Dave. It was so helpful to have someone keep you on track and keep you from giving up!
