
Keep it UP...

So after last Wednesday's Zumba session, I had a come-to-Jesus meeting with myself.  I need to stay focused on the exercise portion of my change, as much as the diet portion.  I made the decision that I need to go on both Mondays and Wednesdays for Zumba to be effective for me.  Hey, I burn approximately 700 calories in 1 hour of fun aerobic exercise.  Exercise that makes me sweat like I'm melting at the greatest depths of the sun.  Sweat is good, right?!?  It means it's working...or so that's what I think.

After two back-to-back sessions with DPT last week, my body felt like it had been hit by a truck.  Everything ached, but DPT just kept pushing and pushing.  I like that he doesn't take "No" or "I can't" as an answer, because I'm pretty sure I would say that for every exercise.  DPT likes to start a competition between the hubs and I, because the hubs has a very competitive nature.  So, a rowing machine competition sounded like a fun idea at the time - not so much later on that evening.  The tiny people have taken over my body, and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting their first rent check very soon. 

We've decided to try out bike riding, so we can get our cardio exercise and be outside while it is still warm.  Of course, everyone recommends these super expensive bikes for optimum biking performance.  I just want a bike that will go when I pedal it.  I don't plan on being Lance Armstrong or anything, and I'm not entering any triathlons in the near future, so I'm pretty sure I do not need a $800 bicycle.  I guess we could get ONE $800 bicycle and we could take turns riding it, but where is the fun in that.  So to Wal-Mart we ventured for our newest purchase.  DPT mentioned that Mongoose was a pretty decent bike for what we wanted to do - and what do we find, but this...
Oh yes, I'm super excited.  I would be even more excited if it was yellow, but pink and white will certainly do.  We need to tighten a few screws and ensure the tires are inflated properly, but I hope to test it out in the next few days.  Of course, you know there will be an update when that happens.

On a more positive note, I visited with my family today and they say they can see a difference already.  I don't know if they are being nice or serious, but I'll take it.  I'm kind of excited myself, since my boobs now stick out more than my tummy does, so that's always a plus.  The hubs and I are total slackers, and we've been meaning to take some BEFORE pics for over a week now.  I think I'm going to make the time tomorrow before Zumba to take mine, and then I'll post it.  UGH, I'm so not looking forward to that, but it will be great motivation!

Until next time, I leave you with a quote from an unknown author: "A diet is the price we pay for exceeding the feed limit."


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