

So, Zumba started back up at the gym yesterday and I was so excited.  I psyched myself out of going last Spring, because I felt I wouldn't be able to keep up or severly injure myself.  So on the last session of the season I went, because I wanted to know what it was all about.  I LOVED IT!  P.S. I did not injure myself or anyone else at this attempt.

For those of you who don't know - Zumba is an aerobic dance class that really gets your body moving, heart pumping, and keeps the sweat pouring off of you.  Basically I get to shake what my momma gave me, plus much more, and burn tons of calories while doing it.

Yesterday, I started off with 20 minutes of cardio on the treadmill before class.  Then I stretched, because the tiny people (refer to previous post for explanation) really annoyed me all day.  After the gym area was completely packed, we finally started to get moving.  In that hour, I cha-cha'd, kicked, shimmy'd, grapevined, and jumped my way into full on drench-your-clothes mode.  My husband later told me that I had "swamp ass" to which I replied by ungracefully flopping on to his side of the bed.  I believe he'll keep his comments to himself now.

So the tiny people were back in full force last night, and this morning they were relentless in their quest to punish me even more.  I'll be glad when they go on permanent vacation, but I've been told that could take a month or more.  Just wonderful!  At least maybe I could charge them rent and that would offset the pain I'm feeling.

This evening we have another wonderful session with DPT.  I wonder what he'll have us doing today - bear crawls, crabwalks, or more core work.  Stay tuned tomorrow to find out the wonders of this session.

Until next time, I leave you with a quote from Cicero: "One should eat to live, not live to eat."

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