
Take these CRAVINGS and SHOVE IT!

My cravings have been something awful since this weekend.  At one point, I wanted fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and pizza.  I even wondered if that could be made in to one pizza meal.  Yeah, GROSS, I know!  The hubby and I have learned that we are our biggest allies and we are also our biggest enemy.  If he gets weak, I should stay strong.  But sometimes, just sometimes, I want to be weak too....and it's so hard!

It's been a huge change for us to go from eating 3,000+ calories per day to eating 1,700 calories per day.  To switch from deep fried, fat-laden, unhealthy dinners to grilled, baked, steamed healthier options.  We cut out all sodas and sugary beverages, and we drink between 100 to 128 ounces of water per day.  I'm a person that never really enjoyed water before.  I'm also not a fan of flavored water - GROSS!  I thought since the package of juice boxes said 100% Fruit Juice that it was good for you.  Boy was I wrong!

I never looked at labels before.  Holy crap - do you know how many sugars are in cereal?  And I'm not talking about Multi-Grain Cheerios either.  I'm talking about the chocolately goodness that I used to eat for breakfast - the cereal that made me coo coo for the remainder of the day.  Now I have to pay attention to a number of items on the label including: Carbs, Fat Grams, Sodium, and Sugars.  I'm bringing back my math skills by calculating all these items while doing my weekly grocery shopping.  Now even my mind is getting some exercise.  Speaking of weekly grocery trips - I now have a particular route I take in the grocery store.  Basically I stick to everything on the outer edges of the grocery section, and I sneak in to the middle section for a few canned vegetables or brown rice/whole wheat pasta.  I do wish that fresh fruits and vegetables stayed fresh a little longer - but that gives me an excuse to make mixed berry salad on a regular basis.

Until next time, I leave you with a quote from an unknown author: "Your stomach shouldn't be a waist (waste) basket." 

1 comment:

  1. This blog will help you stay on track along with Dave and your "DPT." Stick with it, you are seeing results and the end result will be awesome. I'm so proud of you.
